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HomeEducationFour Main Reasons Students Drop Out of Flight Training Schools

Four Main Reasons Students Drop Out of Flight Training Schools

Pilot courses at flight training schools come with much responsibility and are complex and demanding. Many students will question if they have what it takes at various stages of their training.

Do I have the aptitude and skills to pass? What if I never get the hang of a particular flight manoeuvre? What happens if I can’t grasp this part of the theory?

Here we look at the main challenges students can face when studying at flight training schools and how to overcome them.

1.     Stress Overrides Passion

Learning to fly is a thrilling experience and fantastic for your confidence. However, the pressure builds when you start reaching the advanced course components. Many students let this stress and resulting self-doubt overtake the original passion that led them to fly. Some decide to drop out rather than risk the possibility of failing.

Learning anything new is daunting. If becoming a pilot was easy, everyone would be doing it! Getting overwhelmed and moments of feeling like you aren’t cut out for it are normal.

Your flight instructor is there to support and guide you personally as well teach the practical aspects of flying. Let them know if if you are struggling. A simple conversation about where you are at can help you overcome it.

2.     Loss of direction

Staying motivated throughout flight training means students need to have a clear reason or goal as to why they want to fly aircraft. This will pose a problem at some point for any student that has not thought long and hard about this before enrolling into flight training schools.

Without understanding what your drives your desire to fly, you can become unmotivated about the study and work and decide it’s not for you. Before enrolling in a flight course, be sure to understand why you want to fly and what you want to achieve at the end of your studies.

3. Finances

Understanding the financial commitment as much as your ‘why you want to fly’ are potentially of equal importance. Flight training schools can be expensive, and it is a shame when capable students have to give up their dream because they realise they can’t afford it.

Ask your flight training school about their pricing structure and any additional fees, memberships, or prerequisite certifications you may need to obtain on top of the course itself. Ask about payment plans or other suitable pilot pathways they offer to at least get you flying.

4. The Instructor

Our ability to learn anything also depends on having a solid teacher. Students are more likely to stay with an experienced and knowledge able pilot instructor who is also personable and demonstrates outstanding levels of leadership.

Research your flight training schools thoroughly and make sure that they are using Grade 1 Flight Instructors (the highest class of The Instructor Rating). This ensures that you are learning from a skilled, experienced and professional flight instructor.


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