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HomeLawHow to choose the right lawyer for your family law case

How to choose the right lawyer for your family law case

One of your biggest decision concerned with your divorce proceeding is choosing a family lawyer. This is because your attorney wouldn’t just handle your legal aspects but also plays a vital role in helping you get through this time of stress. Connolly Suthers Family Lawyers state that when you are considering a divorce, trying to work out custody, or facing some other family issue, it is important to choose the right attorney that can handle your legal proceedings, as well as consider your emotional requirements throughout the process.

Although you might be in a hurry to hire one, there are a few things you need to consider before you finalize your lawyer to handle your family case.

  • Look For An Exclusive Family Lawyer:With the ever-evolving laws, it needs the practice to achieve expertise. It should be your foremost criteria that the lawyer you are willing to consider deals exclusively in family laws. There may be various lawyers who would claim that they can work on family laws as well. You need an expert, rather than depending on that “as well”.
  • Interview Various Available Options:Once you have shortlisted few candidates, feel free to interview them before you retain one. Prepare a few questions that concern you with your case, and find out if they are really capable to fulfill your needs. It’s good to ask a lot of questions to learn more about them and their expertize. You should consider a few questions while interviewing the attorney.
    • What is their expertise in family laws?
    • Are they readily available for consultation and communication regarding your case?
    • Are they experienced enough with cases like yours?
    • Are they willing to work within your budget?
  • Stay Focussed To Your Needs:During the assessment, it is important that you have a clear focus of what you want with your case. State your requirements upfront with your lawyer so you do not have to worry about any issues down the road. It’s advisable to be open and honest with all your needs, to give them a fair idea of what you expect from them.
  • Ensure You Are Comfortable To Work With Your Lawyer:It is of utmost importance that you get along well with your lawyer as you need to work alongside throughout your case, which may last for months. Make sure you can communicate easily and are well listened and understood when you put forward your points.

Another thing worth considering is their approach towards the case. While some may rely           totally on their experience, others are a bit more collaborative. Think of what you are actually          looking for. Choosing a family lawyer is more of a delicate process than any other lawyers.

  • Look Into Experience And Past Records:You are eligible to ask about their past records and experience to handle case similar to yours. This will help you evaluate their credibility towards your case. Ask about his training and experience in family laws, especially experience with cases in your state. For instance, it’s better to look for Family Lawyers in Rockhampton if your case comes under its jurisdiction area.
  • Verify The Soundness Of The Claims Made:Knowing is not enough, you need to verify the claims made by these attorneys. Look for some alternate source of information to check if what they told you regarding their experience and training is correct on not. Although this is rare, some lawyers might make false claims, just to get the case on their table. A little digging is never harmful, and it’s better to rely on facts, rather than promises.
  • Are The Fees Withing Your Budget?Once you are convinced with the ability of the attorney, its time to look into the finances. Ask your lawyer attorney regarding the payments terms they are willing to work on and get a clear idea about the fees breakdown. Learn about their hourly fees or any retainer fees that they might charge. Make sure the overall charges are well within your budget to avoid any issues during the case.
  • Discuss The Settlements and Litigations:Depending on your case, it may be settled outside the court with certain negotiations or may need you to present before the court. Look for a lawyer who is equally comfortable and experience in both the ways or what your circumstances demand.
  • A Little Advice Can Be Helpful:Consult your family, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances regarding different options. Gather as much information as you can, but when it comes to making the final decision, trust your instincts.
  • Take Your Decision:After you are done with evaluation and looking into the financial aspect, its time to decide the one you can rely upon. Take your time before making the final decision, and once you are fully convinced, handle over your case files.

Where to Find A Family Lawyer?

When it comes to finding an attorney, you can start with your family and friends to get some referrals. This can be very helpful as it will provide you with multiple relevant options, provided your acquaintances are already familiar with your situation. Beside this, you can look into Yellow Pages for some more information to get along with your hunt to find a suitable match for your family law case. At last, you can look into the web for relevant attorneys in your area with all the possible details. These sources could also be used to verify the legibility of the lawyers those are willing to serve you.

When its the matter of family law, there are a lot of complications involved. It is generally said that you should hire a lawyer and not a law firm”. This makes sense as you will be communicating with the lawyer in person, rather than the firm he represents. You are going to hire a particular lawyer. So this should be kept in mind before finalizing the attorney. As an example, there are numerous firms dealing in Rockhampton Family Law, but you need to look for a particular lawyer in that firm with the required expertise. Do not go by the name of the firm, or the reputation it has. Choose wisely as this a wrong choice may turn the case against you.


Vicki Jackson serves as Principal at South Geldard Lawyers. She is an accredited family law specialist, with distinguished experience in agribusiness, estate planning, deceased estate administration and disputes.

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