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Make a Free Website with Google My Business

Make a Free Website with Google My Business, For SMEs, creating a website can be a challenge. Most SME businesses do not have the technical capability or time to create and manage their own websites. Indeed, with the existence of Facebook, Google My Business, Twitter, and other social media, businesses are now getting easier to build their online presence. However, according to a study from Google, there are still many people who are more confident with businesses that have their own websites.

According to Google’s own research, there are still 60% of small businesses that do not have an official website for their business. From this data, Google concluded that the website is still a separate problem for a business. Therefore, Google decided to add features to its services to help small businesses face this problem.

You already know, not with Google My Business or Google My Business? If anyone is not familiar with this one Google product, in short, Google My Business is a tool created specifically by Google to help businesses get Google listings for free. This list will appear if someone searches for your business or business in the same field on Google Search or Google Maps. Now, this business platform by Google offers services to easily create and manage websites for beginner business people.

Google My Business: Easily Create and Manage Websites

You can access the feature named this Website on your Google My Business dashboard. With the format of a website builder, you can easily create a one-page business website by using business details that you have entered for previous Google listings.

For now, the customization options are still limited but this is one of the easiest ways for beginner business people to create their own business website. Of course, what makes this Website superior is because the website that you create will be directly connected with Google My Business listings. That way, your website will immediately update if something changes with the details of your Google My Business listing.

How to Make a Website with Google My Business

Because the Website is part of Google My Business, you need to have a Google My Business account before you can start creating your website. You can learn how to create a Google My Business account in the Complete Google Business Guide that we have placed above. If you already have a Google My Business account, you can immediately create the website.

Step 1. You need to sign in to Google My Business and enter the dashboard. You can also follow the Start Now link from the Google My Business page.

If you have multiple locations that you enter into Google My Business, click the Icon Dashboard for the business you want to provide the website.

Step 2. Click the Website menu in the right sidebar of your Google My Business account.

Step 3. You will then see an introductory screen with information about the Website in Google My Business. Click Get Started to start creating your website.

Step 4. Google will then start creating your website and you will see progress in the progress bar on your screen. You just have to wait until the process is complete.

Step 5. After the process is complete, you will see a welcome screen for your website. Click on the check icon to start. Google will also notify you if they are syncing between websites and information on the Google My Business platform.

Step 6. Now, you can start designing your website. Google will tell you what customization steps you need to do. First, Google will ask you to choose a theme or template for your website. You can do this by clicking on the Pick A Theme icon.

Step 7. Choose the theme you like for your website. The theme you choose also gives you other design elements such as colors and fonts. Google gives you 10 themes with different color styles and fonts to suit your business.

Step 8. After you choose a theme, Google will ask you to upload a photo of your business. The photos that you have uploaded in Google My Business before will also be uploaded to your website.

Step 9. After that, Google will display the Publish button so you can directly publish your website if your website is ready.

Step 10. Now you need to configure some settings such as Site Address and Site language before you click the Publish button.

Step 11. Click Publish Now and you will be asked to choose a domain name for this free website. The format of your domain will be Click Next if you have provided the correct domain name. You will also see the option to choose and confirm that this website address will be a website displayed on Google Maps and Google Search.

Step 12. After your domain is confirmed, you will see a notification on your website. Click View Site to see your new website.

Ta-da! You now have a new website. If you edit and optimize your website, here are some steps you can take to do it.

Using Your Own Domain on the Google My Business Website

To use your own domain on the Google My Business website, log in to your hosting account and select “Redirect”. After you go to the Redirect option, point your domain to the Google My Business URL that you selected in the website creation process. After that, go back to your Google My Business website and choose Settings on the left toolbar. At the top of the panel, you will see your domain.

You can also contact the hosting company to help you redirect existing domain names to your new Google website. For you Dewaweb customers, you can ask for help from our Ninja 24/7 support team.

Google My Business Website Optimization

To do additional settings on your Google My Business website, go to the business dashboard and you will see several icons on the left side of the screen that can be used to edit according to your needs.

Change designs with appropriate themes. The theme feature will change the design and appearance of your website. Website design is indeed one of the important factors in making a website. Make sure that the theme you choose is in line with your business branding. A theme will also change the fonts on your website. So make sure that you like the Headline and Description of your website.

Upload high-quality photos. Make sure that you upload photos of your business with high quality on your website. You can choose Add Photos in the photos section to upload more photos. The photo cover on your website is certainly very important because this will also be seen by people in Google listings. To change the photo cover, click Change Cover Photo.

Choose a good Call-to-Action (CTA). After you edit, you have the option to choose from several main buttons that are widely used. Select the CTA that matches your button. For example, if your business is in the service sector, you can choose the Get Quote button that will ask website visitors to fill in a form that will be emailed to your email account. There are several CTAs that you can choose from. Here are a few:

  • Get directions. Shows the way to the location of your business through Google Maps
  • Call now. Visitors can directly call your business
  • Find the table. If you are a Food & Beverages business, this can be useful for booking places in your restaurant
  • Place order. Link to your store and order page
  • Make an appointment. Make a promise
  • Message us (WhatsApp). Website visitors can contact you via WhatsApp


In this article, we have discussed how to create a website with Google My Business. In this digital age, it is very important for a business to have an online presence. The Website features of Google My Business can be an alternative to creating a website easily and for free for your business. Hopefully, this article helps!

Author bio:

Nazrul Islam is a digital marketing expert with Admin of in the Guwahati, India. He has knowledge about the various online marketing services such as display advertising, video SEO, app store optimization, lead generation etc. Thanks

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