Friday, March 14, 2025
HomeHealthVitamin D and its Deficiency

Vitamin D and its Deficiency

Vitamins are the essential protective nutrients required by the body in an appropriate quantity. They are soluble in fats and water. Of which, Vitamin D are the fat soluble compounds required essentially by the living beings for proper functioning of their bones and teeth. It is very important for our body as it accelerates calcium and many other essential minerals homeostasis and metabolism. Vitamin D Deficiency is caused due to the less intake of marine, terrestrial animals ;their products and less absorption of sunlight.  These are basically generated by the consumption of fatty fish, dairy products and fortified vitamin D rich food supplements and exposure to sunlight. Deficiency of vitamin D causes rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, and many other hazardous diseases including cardiovascular diseases, anaemia and so on. Dark skin people, older ones, obese person, household indoors, milk allergic individuals, away from sunlight are more prone to suffer from vitamin D Deficiency. Here, we shall discuss about the symptoms of vitamin D Deficiency that will help an individual to cope up with its health and medical condition.

Symptoms of vitamin D Deficiency 

The first and foremost symptom is the pain sensation in bones and teeth. Thus, the early symptoms include harsh or mild pain in bone and teeth. Bones get softened and will be seen growing deformed. Generally, muscle  aches, headaches, and even much weakness than usual terms is noticed. Bone loss occurs, especially tooth loss.  The skeletal structure results in malformation. Vitamin D plays a vital role in maintaining the immune system of the body, and thus its deficiency can often left us sick and infectious. It actively interacts with the antibodies that are responsible for fighting pathoorganisms like bacteria, virus, protozoa, etc and prevent us from diseases. We can easily get infected with cold, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc type of diseases if our diet lack vitamin D. According to some effective researches, excessive fatigue and tiredness are also observed due to its Deficiency. Depression is linked with vitamin D deficiency followed by low blood and energy level, especially in adults. Vitamin D helps in producing new skin compounds at the injury portion. Vitamin D performs a crucial role in controlling inflammation and fighting infection. Thus, slow healing of wounds can also be suspected as a sign of its deficiency. Low vitamin D in blood could increase the risks of several fatal diseases such as cancers of the breast, ovaries, esophagus, prostate, colon, and the lymphatic system. Due to lack of this vitamin, one could easily be prone to the loss of bone. Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium, thus low bone mineral density is pointed as a symptom of vitamin D deficiency followed by frequent fractures. Mottling of teeth is also a sign of its deficiency.

There is an autoimmune disease called “Alopecia areata” which is associated with rickets and characterized by excessive hair loss.  Severe hair loss and muscle pain are considered as the basic symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D not only serves as an protective food component, but also act as a hormone which helps in the digestion of fatty compounds and cholesterol in presence of sunlight. Vitamin D also helps in the prevention and treatment of different disorders like Diabetes type 1 diabetes type 2,hypertension, multiple sclerosis, glucose intolerance.  Thus, its presence is indispensable for living body just like other types of nutrients.


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