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Winter Preparation – How Gas Log Fires Can Keep You Warm and Comfortable

Even before the winter season has started in Australia, cities like Melbourne, Cranbourne, and nearby areas have already started seeing a pre-winter chill and lashing cold-rains. This is the time when all homeowners must ensure that they are fully prepared to face the long winter days to come. Among other things, house-heating solutions such as fireplaces and gas- heaters are an important item to cross off your winter preparation checklist.

Winter is coming! Is your home well-heated?

Most of us have felt the nostalgic euphoria of childhood memories related to winters. Hot-chocolate, games, pets, cosy nights, and warm fireplaces. For most people winter means, spending time at home with kids, family, friends, and pets. On the cold and frosty winter nights, gas log fire and fireplaces will keep your home properly heated.

Gas log fires in Melbourne are increasingly being preferred as an efficient and eco-friendly alternative to traditional wooden fireplaces. Though they cannot compete with a large furnace or boiler-based heating system, it is apt for modern apartments, high-rise apartments, sub-urban and townhouses, etc.

Upgrade your home with an energy-efficient fireplace

Traditional wood fireplaces not only require a constant supply or a stockpile of burning wood, but they are also less efficient in terms of heat distribution and energy efficiency. Unless you use a traditional wooden fireplace out of the sheer aesthetics of the process, you need to install a more practical, energy-efficient, and environment-friendly heating system. One such alternative heating equipment is the gas fireplace or gas log fires.

A gas fireplace work on natural gas fuels like bio-ethane, propane, CNG, etc. It is directly connected to your in-house gas pipeline. You can either convert your traditional wood fireplace into a natural gas/electric fireplace or continue to use the traditional fireplace with environment-friendly ceramic gas logs for heat generation and fire simulations.

Gas log fireplaces hooked to your house fuel line will come in with the option of vented and vent-free fireplaces. Vented ones use the chimney of a traditional fireplace to vent heat. At the same time, a vent-free one is a self-contained system and does not require an existing fireplace for installation, unlike the former. It can be fitted with gas log inserts to resemble a wood fire, which allows you the ambience of a traditional wood fireplace with the convenience of a gas fireplace.

They come in different models such as outdoor, freestanding, standard inserts, and vented & non-vented too. The most common gas log fireplaces in Melbourne are vented ones as they can be built over existing fireplace setups.

Reduce your overall heating expenditures with this one-time investment. Gas log fires have a long life span and are customisable for any kind of house, from high-rise buildings to urban/ suburban homes and offices. Enjoy the feel of the ‘real flames’ of the traditional wood fireplace with the convenience of a remote-controlled system.

Why is Gas Fireplace Australian homeowner’s leading choice?

The answer is its amazing versatility, high style quotient, energy efficiency, convenience, and low-maintenance requirements. A wooden flame is unique in its ability to give a natural experience and the crackling sounds that make a fireplace so soothing. However, it fails in comparison to gas fireplaces when it comes to equal heat distribution and maintaining room temperature evenly. Also, most of the energy is wasted through chimney smoke, which in itself is harmful to the environment and respiratory health. A gas fireplace or a gas log fire will heat your room evenly and allow you to control the temperature with the flick of a switch or a remote controller.

A genuine winter experience!

A gas log insert lets you enjoy the best of both worlds. With its attractive flame patterns, it resembles a wooden fireplace. The built-in ones can also be installed in homes without a fireplace or a chimney. A gas insert visually resembles a natural fireplace and can be installed anywhere in your house. It gives the same soothing effect as a wooden fire, albeit with more consistent and controlled heating.

Typically, gas log fires or inserts in Cranbourne will cost lesser than a built-in variant. However, the latter is more efficient out of the three in terms of heating capacity and heat per unit.

A glance at the benefits of a Gas Log Fireplace

Highly Convenient

You don’t have to cut, chop, stock, and carry the wood anymore. Turn on or off your fireplace instantly with a flick of a switch. You will have full thermostatic control of your room/ house.

No Cleaning up

No ashes, no embers, and no asthma causing smoke for you and your kids anymore. They are safer, cleaner, and environmentally friendly.


A one-time investment, and you can reap the benefits of this cost-effective technology over time. It enables you to significantly cut down on your annual energy expenditures.

Versatile and Easy to Install

Built-in gas fireplaces do not need a fireplace or chimney and can be vented through walls. If you already have a fireplace and a chimney, you just need to upgrade it into a gas log fireplace or use gas log inserts. The chimney can be used for venting purposes, or you can opt for a vent-free model.


Gas fireplaces, outdoor gas fireplaces, freestanding gas fireplaces, and gas log heaters come in different styles and sizes. Choose one according to your house’s aesthetics and style gradient.

Value addition

They will enhance your home experience and increase the overall house value as well. According to some realtors, installing a gas log fireplace in Melbourne can increase your property’s value to as far up as 10%. Not bad for a small one-time investment.

Improve your home-experience with Gas Fireplace and Inserts

With post-COVID lockdowns, remote working, and especially during the winters, you may spend the most amount of time at home than any other place. It is only reasonable that you are thinking about how you can improve the experience at home for yourself and your family. A gas log fireplace or gas insert will add to the comfort of your home and help you improve your in-house experience.

Investing in your indoor environment may be the key to a happy and productive family time. What is better than enjoying family time during chilly winter nights in a well-heated, cosy and glowing home?

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